हृदयेश्वर, जगदीश्वर एवं परमेश्वर
Looking at how the Divine works in the three different poises which are essentially one [in reply to a question on the relation of the individual Divine to the other two poises with regard to the sadhana].
आध्यात्मिक जीवन का प्रारम्भिक अभ्यास In this brief Hindi reflection, we share insights about the basic spiritual practice of turning within.
इस हिंदी वार्ता में हम देखते हैं की किस तरह हम अपने जीवन में आई हुई कठिनाइयों का सामना कर सकते हैं।
This reflection in Hindi is based on the following line from Savitri: ‘A World’s Desire Compelled Her Mortal Birth’