Latest Episodes
RH 10: Lila of the Lord
This brief reflection by Dr Alok Pandey is about the possibility of Jivanmukta beyond moksha.
RH 9: The Ideal of Moksha
This brief reflection is about the conception of Moksha that is often regarded as the goal in traditional yoga.
RH 8: Attitudes towards Death
This brief reflection is on the possible attitudes we can take towards death.
RH 7: The Web of Forces and Mastering Our Destiny
This brief reflection is about the web of forces in which we are caught and how we can move towards mastering our destiny.
RH 6: Reversing the Hypnotic Spell of the Illness
This brief reflection is about the dangers of and ways we can use to come out of this almost exclusive preoccupation with the illness.
RH 5: In Spare Moments
This talk is about the ways to best make use of the time we have at hand.