Latest Episodes

RH 141: मृत्यु, आसक्ति और दुख
(Death, Attachment and Suffering). This is a brief Hindi reflection on suffering due to death and loss. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.

RH 140: गौरी और काली
This brief talk is about a question regarding seeing the bright and dark form of the Divine Mother in dream. A short reflection by...

RH 139: कठिनाई से जूझना
This talk is about the way of dealing with difficulties. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.

RH 138: अतिमानस के बाद
This talk is about what would come after the supramental manifestation. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.

RH 137: देह मे अभीप्सा
Aspiration in the body. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.

RH 137: राम राज्य
This brief Hindi Reflection by Dr Alok Pandey touches upon the ideal of Ram Rajya.